Fight Overwhelm, Be More Intentional
You know, there are a lot of lessons in life that we get too late.
There is a saying by author Vernon Law that “Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.”
Isn’t that so true when experience is a negative one or is an outcome we did not expect or want?
From my own past failures, I’ve learned very recently to be more intentional in my actions in order to move forward.
I think our brains are so preoccupied with deadlines, personal to-do-lists, and daily, weekly and even hourly tasks we have to accomplish, that we make moves on auto pilot.
Don’t you find yourself going through the motions of routine? Day in and Day
What being intentional taught me was to pause, take out a pad and pen and to think carefully and critically about what I need to do and what I do not need to do.
Then, being intentional taught me to write out an action plan/
Finally, being intentional taught me to carve time in my day or week to get stuff done but only while mindful of the target and focus of doing a specific task — — Crossing off a checklist but while knowing there is a SPECIFIC outcome that I am hoping to achieve from it.
I hope that makes sense.
Mindfulness +Intentional Actions = Success!
Simplified, it means strip away the unnecessary and force yourself to take time to think things through and jot down your plan in writing.
It could take practice.
The busy brain prefers to keep it moving. Don’t give in.
Be more intentional this week.
Let me know how it goes for you.